sch intro
"SCH, a group of Sarajevan alternative maniacs who had, infinitely & into infinity, dissipated more wild energy and artificial rebellion than one could
fit into all the gothic underground cellars from Hamburg to London."
"Europe saw in America the identification of her sub-cultural excesses, all
the while mythologising them. One could similarily equate Bosnia with SCH, but
that is regrettably not true, for one cannot - nor will one ever - come to
hear SCH played on the 'Centrotrans' bus between Sarajevo - Tuzla."
"Now, when after so many years of ignoring them we finally want them to
address us, for we have seen how painful it is not to listen to them, SCH have
opted not to speak, refusing to even acknowledge our existence. The distance
between us can no longer be bridged."
SCH represents one of the most significant names in the field of alternative
rock music in the former Yugoslavia. Formed in the mid-eighties in Sarajevo,
the band has had, to this day, an intensive creative and live existence, its
popularity mounting from one day to the next, although never crossing the line
delineating this kind of activity and commercial success. The band played live
in a whole host of cities: Sarajevo, Zagreb, Rijeka, Ljubljana, Prague,
Budapest, Geneve, Maribor, Celje, Koper, Belgrade, Subotica, Novi Sad, Niš... SCH also
appeared at a number of renowned alternative rock festivals throughout the
former Yugoslavia (such as Yurm, Novi Rock, the Subotica festival etc.), and
was continuously present in the media, there not being almost a single paper
or magazine (not to mention fanzine) that did not publish some SCH review,
story, report or interview. Additionally, the band featured in numerous TV
items and videos, while its music was used in a number of films and radio
programmes, as well as in the theatre.
The band's most significant releases are:
- Cassette SCH (Zalozba FV, Ljubljana 1988)
- LP During Wartime (Independent edition, Sarajevo 1989)
- Cassette White Music: Two Ways To German Art & Work Discipline (Listen Loudest, Zagreb 1991)
- CD The Gentle Art of Firing (Obala Art Center, Sarajevo 1995)
- CD During Wartime... Again (Polikita Records, Lukavac 1999)
- CD VRIL (Magaza, Sarajevo 2002)
- 2xCD Eat This! (BuyBook, Sarajevo 2004)
- CD Deluge and After (BuyBook, Sarajevo 2006)
- CD Only Cunts Don't Fear the Rain: Never Released Alter-Ego Punk, Rock... Songs 1983-93 (Polikita Records, Lukavac 2006)
- CD SCH LIVE (Listen Loudest, Zagreb 2007)
- CD Dance (Polikita Records, Lukavac 2007)
- CD Glut (Polikita Records, Lukavac 2011)
| ©2002-2012 by SCH | | Updated Feb. 2011 | | webmaster@sch.ba |